David's Blog for Unworkshop 2

enero 21, 2007

Got things clear now! – Unworkshops, Web 2.0, Informal learning,… :-)

Filed under: elgg, informl, magic mix, Me, Uncategorized, Unworkshop — David Delgado @ 1:29 am


I am sorry about this blog on Unworkshop 2. It does not have much content. Anyway, I have learned that it is much more important to «know where» to find knowledge than to «know how» to do things. There are lots of new technologies out there and changes come really fast. So, I think that it is important to get the right connections to the right people on the Net and use only tools that are both «powerful and simple«, just as Google is.

Guess what? I missed the feeling of being in a real community in the Unworkshops . My job is to build learning systems and online communities, so I have looked for a tool that allows us to build such communities, learn, and make use of the new Web 2.0 social technologies in a really simple way, allowing the path into real informal learning. I have found it: It is free and it is called Elgg. So, I have started to work with it and have found very good things within the online community built around it. It’s really cool! 🙂

On the other hand, I have found my own «magic mix» to make online learning communities work and grow:


*e-learning, * social networks, * informal learning, * Web 2.0,* Open Source

So, if you want to know more about me and all this stuff, and you do not mind spending just 5 minutes exploring a new, integrated, Web 2.0 tool and a cool online community built around it, come with me. I don’t think I will come back to this WordPress «pipe» again. 😛

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